Antique Dealers

A table full of antiques at Old Crows Antique Mall

The Old Crows Antique Mall is a unique space. Whether you are passionate about antiques, collectibles, or vintage items, you are sure to find what you are looking for in our ever changing showroom. We are always looking for dealers to open booths in our mall, and if you are a dealer looking to buy or sell antique items, we are the perfect destination for you. As one of our dealers, you'll earn several perks to help make your antique business a success.

Various Antique Booth Sizes Available

When you start out as an antique dealer, you probably don't want a huge booth because of the operating costs. You have to invest in your business, so it's best to open a small booth with an affordable operating cost so you can turn a profit. As your business grows and you gain more inventory, you can move to a larger booth with more space.

One key to finding success as an antique dealer is not overextending yourself. It's much better to start out small and grow your booth than it is to open a huge booth if you can't cover the cost of rent and inventory. At the Old Crows Antique Mall, we have various booth sizes to choose from, so you can find one for any budget.

A Wide Variety of Antique Dealers

Most antiquers have a specific area of interest. People who collect furniture may not be interested in jewelry, and those interested in collectibles may not want true antiques. Because people have different tastes, it can be difficult to draw a crowd if you run a standalone antique booth. Opening a space in an antique mall with a wide variety of dealers means more foot traffic by your space.

It's also a good idea to remember that your booth is more likely to be successful if it offers a variety of items. While furniture may be your primary interest, you may not sell enough pieces each month to cover the cost of operation. Consider adding small items such as vintage books, old jewelry, or tools to your inventory to expand your interest and audience.

At Old Crows Antique Mall, we have dealers who cater to every interest. This attracts buyers who are looking for all types of items. More potential buyers mean a higher potential profit, and you can find dealers of all types in our retail space. Some of the items we have in our mall include:

  • Furniture

  • Tools

  • Dolls

  • Jewelry

  • Vintage toys

  • Dishes

  • Books

Convenient Hours of Operation

If you want to make some money as an antiquer, you must devote some time to the hobby. Not only do you need to spend a little bit of time each week attending yard sales, estate sales, and antique shows to find new inventory for your booth, but you also need to dedicate some time to maintaining your space. You'll need to spend at least a little time alone in your booth when the floor isn't crowded so you can rearrange, tag, and display your current inventory.

Our mall has convenient operating hours, so you can stop in to maintain your booth whenever you have some free time in your schedule. We are open from 9 AM until 6 PM for most of the week, which gives you plenty of time to stop by when your kids are in school. We have shorter hours from 12 PM to 6 PM on Sunday.

Not only do these hours give you plenty of time to work in your booth, but they also give you a great work/life balance. You only have to work when you want to, and there are no late nights required.

A Community of Antique Enthusiasts

One of the biggest perks of being a dealer at Old Crows Antiques is that you get to share your love of antiques with others. Our mall has become a close-knit community of people who love to buy and sell antiques. Regardless of which type of antique you prefer, you are sure to find other dealers who share your passion.

You may even find antiquing mentors who can give you valuable information about the items in your inventory. Here, we aren't dealers competing for a sale; we're a family that loves sharing our love of antiques. If you choose to open a booth here, you'll immediately become a member of our family.

If you are an antique dealer who lives in or around Golden, Colorado, the Old Crows Antique Mall is the perfect place for you to share your passion for vintage items. We are always looking for new dealers to open up booths, so if you want to take advantage of the perks of being one of our dealers, contact us today to apply.

Image Source: Alexander Sorokopud / Shutterstock


10081 West Bowles Avenue

Littleton, CO 80127

(303) 973-8648